Saturday, October 09, 2004

Word(s) of the day

One that leads to another that leads to another...

Jingoist \jin´go`istNoun 1. jingoist - an extreme bellicose nationalist
flag-waver, hundred-percenter, jingo, patrioteer, chauvinist
nationalist, patriot - one who loves and defends his or her country

Noun 1. chauvinist - a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind
bigot - a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
2. chauvinist - an extreme bellicose nationalist
flag-waver, hundred-percenter, jingo, jingoist, patrioteer
nationalist, patriot - one who loves and defends his or her country

Bellicose \Bel´li`cose`Adj. 1. bellicose - having or showing a ready disposition to fight; "bellicose young officers"; "a combative impulse"; "a contentious nature"
battleful, combative, contentious
aggressive - having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends; "an aggressive businessman"; "an aggressive basketball player"; "he was aggressive and imperious; positive in his convictions"; "aggressive drivers"


Anonymous said...

Is there any way to aquire a copy of the Chatterbox recordings/album that is presented on your site? Was this ever for sale? Will it ever be for sale? Is the moon really made of green cheese?

sirago17 said...

OK, Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous, I'll take these individually:

>>>Is there any way to aquire a copy of the Chatterbox recordings/album that is presented on your site?

Not at the moment. Perhaps one day on the downloads page.

>>>Was this ever for sale?

In a manner of speaking.

>>>Will it ever be for sale?

Maybe, maybe not.

>>>Is the moon really made of green cheese?

Of course not. Actually, it's made of BBQ spare ribs.

Anonymous said...

I see. I'm a Mr., and thank you for replying. How will we know if one day cbx downloads are available?

sirago17 said...

>>>I see. I'm a Mr., and thank you for replying.

You're very welcome, Mr. Anonymous.

>>>How will we know if one day cbx downloads are available?

Peep these pages:

Or I might just share them on SoulSeek:

E-mail me if you want. Address is on the site.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I'll just keep checking then. Do you happen to know what happened to Jeff Bellew or why he dissappeared from the scene?