Sunday, January 09, 2005

Crispin Glover on Letterman

Video @ Contemporary Insanity

I had never actually seen this one. I'd heard tell of it. I even liked to quote it: ""I'm strong...I can kick!"
And the kind folks at have been kind enough to post it.
Bless them.


Anonymous said...

That was just... painful. I'd heard the legend of Glover on Letterman too; now that I've seen it I can say it's what I imagined, but weirder.

sirago17 said...

I'd always asumed he was just being in character for Rubin & Ed, with the pants and the wig and all...
But, man oh man, he appears to have "the fear."

Anonymous said...

Dear god, that was 1987?

As for Crispin... Man is strange.