Monday, November 01, 2010

This is the best collection of psychedelic bands on the planet!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 8:30pm

Spaceland, Silverlake, CA

Magic Mirror: my first time hearing them. Really dug them. Wish I would've bought a CD...but I didn't see any.

The Quarter After: The raised the bar right to the ceiling. "Too Much To Think About" was on fire. Andy C. had to fill on drums for the first song ("Always Returning" I believe) as the QAs drummer was stuck on the 101. Haven't we all been there?

The Asteroid No. 4: Solid. Great set. Played a couple tracks off the new one (available at the merch table on pretty red vinyl). However, because of delays and the natural tendency for every band to play over their alloted time (is just a fact of life), they got yanked by Matt Tow....which brings us to...

The Lovetones: Started solid with "Navigator", then "City Meets The Stars", but they had some kind of monitor trouble and couldn't hear themselves or each other or there was some kind of phasing going on. The soundman heard nothing (I thought I heard him say). Then things got demented. Matt Sigley sang "This Great Romance" but his bass strap came unhooked and he lost it. Shame, as that's a fine song. In the middle of "Pictures" Matt Tow seemed to have some issues with either his guitar or amp (or just the comsos in general) and viciously attacked both, put his guitar down, went and had a drink, came back and started playing again. They ended with "Mantra" ("Journeyman" and "Inside A Dream" were also played) and that turned to chaos. Matt T. threw his guitar down and left the building for a while before getting dragged back in, Matt Sigley ended up on his back with Tow aiming his guitar at his head, and ended with Rob and Matt Tow grinding their guitars together in a most metal sort of way. Rob Campanella (who played the show with a false nose) ended by saying "...and I'm not even in this band." (paraphrased)
In all, a good, albeit weird, evening.
I hasten to add, though, that if you weren't actually watching what was going on, you'd never know something was amiss (except when Sigley dropped his bass...that was noticeable...sorry, man). The music just got more intense as the chaos ensued.

The Lovetones new album, LOST, is available now on VINYL. Get it here:
Get Quarter After and Asteroid No. 4 goods here: 
Dig the Magic Mirror here:

(this originally appeared, in very slightly different form, here)

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